College &UniversityPartners

Posse Graduates.
Posse partners with some of the best colleges and universities in the nation.
The Posse Foundation could not exist without its partner colleges and universities, who provide Posse Scholars with full-tuition scholarships, weekly faculty mentoring, and other support. Posse thanks these prestigious institutions for their investments in the program and their commitment to the success of Posse Scholars.
Posse partners with some of the best colleges and universities in the nation.
The Posse Foundation could not exist without its partner colleges and universities, who provide Posse Scholars with full-tuition scholarships, weekly faculty mentoring, and other support. Posse thanks these prestigious institutions for their investments in the program and their commitment to the success of Posse Scholars.
Posse offers its partner colleges and universities a holistic, cost-effective way to identify top-notch students from diverse backgrounds who might otherwise be overlooked.
One of the best ideas in higher education in the last quarter of a century.——President Emeritus Robert A. Oden Jr., Carleton College