(Left to right): Smith College Alum Ashley Cruz, Mayeline Peña Cabrera and Isabel Gomez.

Posse New York Honors Recent Grads

Fall 2023 | New York

At a ceremony this past June, Posse New York formally inducted the Class of 2023 into the Posse alumni community. Hosted by Broad Sky Partners, the event was attended by over 40 Posse Scholars and alumni as well as staff and board members.

The annual Induction Ceremony celebrates Posse Scholars’ transition into the workforce. This year’s event also honored alumni from previous years who were unable to attend their Induction Ceremony due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Like many alumni in the room, Smith College graduates Ashley Cruz, Isabel Gomez and Mayeline Pena were excited to reconnect.

“They were a Posse above me, and I hadn’t seen them since COVID started,” says Ashley.

Guest speaker Jennifer Lammer, the CEO and Founder of Diamond NestEgg, shared financial advice with alumni in a presentation titled “Adulting 101,” which covered budgeting, the importance of savings and retirement plans. Attendees also had the opportunity to ask their own personal financial questions.

The night concluded with alumni mingling and networking with other alumni and board members.