Bucknell University Posse Alum Cristina Sacco.

Alumni Induction Celebrates 2023 Graduates

Fall 2023 | D.C.

Posse D.C. welcomed its 2023 college graduates into the Posse Alumni Network in June at the offices of Deloitte in Roslyn, Virginia, overlooking the breathtaking D.C. skyline. New alumni were celebrated by current Scholars, family, supporters and fellow alumni at the annual induction event.

Posse National Alumni Advisory Council (PNAAC) representative Demisse Selassie, an alum of Pepperdine College, spoke to attendees, highlighting alumni achievements and encouraging new alumni to remain engaged with the Posse network.

“Posse has an incredibly vibrant alumni network that should certainly be tapped into and leveraged,” Demisse shared. “When more and more of us sit at the table, and pound it for one another, the fabric of our boardrooms and courtrooms, hospitals and labs, classrooms, and even perhaps our Oval Office will reflect the vibrancy of our community.”

Posse has stayed with me throughout my personal and professional career.

Featured speaker and Bucknell University Posse alum Cristina Sacco, then the associate general counsel in the mayor’s office, shared two key pieces of advice about entering the workforce.

“Grow your network professionally, academically, and socially,” said Cristina. “It is your network that will help you along the way with your journey and be some of your biggest supporters.”

Cristina highlighted the importance of building community and echoed Selassie’s sentiments of reaching out to their networks.

“It was a fellow Posse alum who offered me a part-time gig at their firm and kindly gave me access to their office to use as a study space when I was studying for the Bar Exam. Posse has stayed with me throughout my personal and professional career.”

Generously hosted by Deloitte, a longstanding Posse D.C. supporter, the event also enabled Posse alumni to network with established professional leaders. The new college graduates join a network of more than 7,200 Posse alumni around the world who are dynamic leaders in the workforce and in their communities.