Honorees Dr. Tony Recasner and Dr. Stephen Hales.
Honorees Dr. Tony Recasner and Dr. Stephen Hales.

New Orleans Power of 10 Honors Supporters

Winter 2018 | New Orleans

This past October, Posse New Orleans hosted its sixth annual Power of 10 fundraiser. The event drew over 110 Posse supporters and honored Dr. Stephen Hales and Dr. Tony Recasner for their lifelong work in education reform.

Dr. Stephen Hales is the founder and CEO of Hales Pediatrics. He was selected as Rex, King of Carnival, by the Rex Organization for 2017. Dr. Hales has supported education reform through involvement with New Schools for New Orleans as well as the Pro Bono Publico Foundation.

Posse Alumna Melissa Huynh introduced Dr. Hales, her career coach and mentor.

“He has shown immense support of my applications to medical school and welcomed me into his network,” Melissa said.

Dr. Tony Recasner co-founded FirstLine Schools, the management system that opened New Orleans’ first charter school. Dr. Recasner’s work has consistently demonstrated efficacy in educating disadvantaged children by challenging them academically, while addressing their social and emotional needs.

The event was a success thanks in no small part to Posse’s sponsors and supporters whose commitment to Posse’s mission makes college success and leadership development possible for deserving students from New Orleans.